Agriculture remains to be the backbone of economy world-wide. It plays a crucial role in the gross economic growth of any nation and affects the standard of life for a major chunk of population. The role of the agricultural sector in boosting rural incomes and securing India’s food and nutritional needs cannot be underestimated. Enhancement of crop productivity by increasing the soil fertility, protecting the crops against pests and due to the rapid increase in population, there’s an escalation in the demand for food on a global basis, which is unswervingly boosting the use of agro-chemicals to enhance crop productivity. AgChem World is going to be world’s only magazine that would deliver news, facts, figures and analysis based on agro-chemicals from all across the globe. The monthly magazine would intend to analyse the sectorial concerns involving crop protection, crop insurance, agribusiness, research and extension, food processing, bio-technology, farm-mechanisation, seeds, fertilizers, farm credit, high-tech agriculture etc.


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