Redefining Agriculture
Redefining Agriculture
Agricultural sector is a vital part of the global economy, providing food, jobs, and livelihoods. The agricultural sector employed around 1.2 billion people worldwide in 2025, constituting 28% of the global workforce. Global agricultural value has increased by 89 percent in real terms over the past two decades, reaching $3.8 trillion in 2022. Global food production has increased significantly since 1960, including a 54% increase in primary crop production between 2000 and 2021.
These achievements have been despite myriad challenges of climate change, political instability, trade barriers, diminishing resources, market imbalances and population explosion. Navigating agriculture through the difficult terrain needs a renewed vision and resilience. Catering to a bourgeoning population with limited resources needs innovation to be ingrained to the core. It would require a multidisciplinary global collaboration to align food production to the new and emergent threats. The need to redefine agriculture is imminent. If all the key stakeholders work in tandem, the sector could undoubtedly circumvent the existent challenges and develop a new regime of growth and enhanced production.
The 16th Agriculture Leadership Conclave 2025 to be held on 9th - 10th July, 2025 at New Delhi aims to bring all key functionaries of Indian and global agriculture system on one platform to deliberate upon key issues and agenda, and prepare a roadmap for redefining agriculture. The event will culminate with the presentation of the 16th Agriculture Leadership Awards. Important individuals and institutions, who have played seminal roles in agriculture development, will be recognised at the Leadership Awards. The event makes it a must for one and all in agriculture, food, agribusiness, research, academics, media, farming, trade, development, policy making, implementation and all those concerned with food, farmers and the rural sector.
9th July, | 4:30PM - 5:30PM , 2025 New Delhi
Agriculture in India has come a long way since green revolution. There is a revolution taking place in agriculture sector, driven by the hard work of farmers, progressive government policies, sustained interventions by institutions and corporates and the innovative solutions by startups and individuals. The role of these stake-holders in driving the growth and value-added transformation of India’s farm sector is commendable and needs to be recognised and felicitated. Responding to the needs at the national level to recognise the contributions of various stake-holders in agriculture, the magazine took a step forward to reward and motivate individuals and organisations for playing leadership roles in agriculture. The institution of Agriculture Leadership Awards in 2008 was the first step in this direction.
The Awards are presented annually in different categories to individuals and organisations, who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields. The National Awards Committee is headed by------------------------------, with a dozen persons of national eminence as its members. The selection of awardees is done through a two-tier system. The awards sub-committees will be headed by a member of the national committee. All the applications and nominations received by the Awards Secretariat will be put up to the respective sub-committees, which will in turn recommend names to the National Committee for the final selection. The awards function will be held on July 9, 2025 at New Delhi. The details can be visited at
214-217, B-Wing, Naurang House, KG Marg, New Delhi-110001