• 13th
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Smart Agriculture for Aatmnirbhar Krishi

Smart Agriculture for Aatmnirbhar Krishi

Smart farming is much more efficient than the conventional agriculture. The automated options in this approach would enable farmers to monitor the input application in fields from anywhere. The inputs are applied at the precise time and in apt quantities which eventually lead to enhanced agriculture production and reduced cost, translating to increased income for the farmers. Economic efficiency and the reduction of side effects on the environment are critical points that need to be considered while advocating smart farming to Indian farmers. Smart farming would empower farmers to make ecologically and economically sound decisions . It can guide them on optimum resource allocation, efficient crop management, pest and disease management and post-harvest operations. Smart farming can make farmers the masters of their destiny and make them self-reliant.


  • To discuss the broad issues in agriculture, food and nutrition, the scope and opportunities for India to achieve sustained growth through policy push and public-private partnerships
  • To discuss the national and global food and nutrition security challenges, the issue of access, equity and employment and the concerns on account of services, trade and technology
  • To discuss the challenge of climate change, and its potential long-term impact on food and nutrition security situation; and to deliberate upon mitigation strategies for climate resilient agriculture
  • To discuss various governmental policies, programs and interventions and the role of the states, industries and institutions in taking Indian food and agriculture to global markets
  • To discuss the challenges in agriculture and food logistics infrastructure, processing, services, value chain and supply chain management for sustained growth and profitability in agriculture
Smart Agriculture for Aatmnirbhar Krishi

Program Schedule

Who should Participate

  • 1 Political Leaders, Policy Makers and Diplomat
  • 2 Officials of the Central and State Governments
  • 3 Industry leaders and agribusiness industry executives
  • 4 Experts, researchers, academic and extension persons
  • 5 Banking, insurance, financial, rural and development professionals
  • 6 Farmers, processors, traders, exporters, media and extension agencies
  • 7 Entrepreneurs, NGOs, KPOs, FPOs, students and agribusiness professionals

Leadership Awards 2023

Agriculture in India has come a long way from the days of ‘ship to mouth’ to the days of ‘godowns overflowing with food grains. There is a sort of revolution taking place in agriculture technologies, farm services, marketing, trade, contract farming, value chain, IT application, global partnerships and market spread, driven by the hard work of farmers, progressive government policies, aggressive play by the agency and institutions and the role of large corporates and the entry of startups and new form of farm institutions. The role of these stake-holders in driving the growth and value-added transformation of India’s farm sector is commendable. But, most of them do not get any recognition for their contributions to the nation. Agriculture Today, as an information provider and a knowledge-based networking vehicle, has always been at the forefront in contributing to the growth of the farm sector. Responding to the needs at the national level to recognise the contributions of various stake-holders in agriculture, the magazine took a step forward to reward and motivate individuals and organisations for playing their leadership roles in agriculture. The institution of Agriculture Leadership Awards in 2008 was the first step in this direction.

The Awards are presented annually in different categories to individuals and organisations, who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields. The selection of awardees is done through a two-tier system. The awards sub-committees will be headed by a member of the national committee. All the applications and nominations received by the Awards Secretariat will be put up to the respective sub-committees, which will in turn recommend names to the National Committee for the final selection. The awards function will be held on 14th December, 2023 at New Delhi.
Kindly send nominations/applications before 05th December, 2023. Online applications/nominations are preferred.


Ms. Zaman Almas

Business Manager

+91 7290088228


Office Address

Agriculture Today Group

214-217, B-Wing, Naurang House, KG Marg, New Delhi-110001

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